223 thoughts on “Online Poker Scam

  1. Ok, Here’s the deal. I’ve been playing poker all my life. I live for poker. I play in live games in AC and Vegas often, and do very well. I started playing online about four years ago. I got to tell you, I did very well at that also…at first. I started playing at paradise poker. I was raking in the cash. Then it seemed, the more I did make (after about 2k), I was finding it harder and harder to win. Had my play changed that much? Was I playing bad? Was it just bad luck? It was all I could do just to break even. Then I figured I would try a new server. So I started playing party poker. Next thing I know, I’m winning again. Did the new poker environment help improve my play? I figured at the time, it was just a fluke, maybe I was just in a slumb. Then after winning a few thousand and cashing out a few thousand at party poker, I came across the same problem as I did at paradise poker. I couldn’t win no more. That is odd, I thought. So I would go back and forth from Paradise to Party. Nothing, couldn’t win a dime. So I started playing else where, and I’ve pretty much played them all, and found, that I’ve had the same problem every where I go. Win at first, until they mark me as a winning player, then flip the switch on me. Could this be a coincidence? Who knows, maybe. But I’ve pretty much played them all, and it seems, this phenomenon happens everywhere. A few more things, I’ve notice. Have you every noticed, it is nearly impossible to beat the short stack at the table in a ring game online, when it is clear that he is going all in(pot commited), regarless of the hands involded? Why is this so, I wondered. Its simple really, with out players at the table, there is no rake. And that is a fact. But like they say, there is no proof as of yet anywhere, and I will still continue to play regardless of what I belive. Its like I say, I live for poker.


  2. also, i’d like to mention that modern society is basically built upon scammers.

    your either on the top, doing the fucking

    or your on the bottom, being fucked..

    pick one or the other, i don’t think theres any other way. theres always gonna be a con artist


  3. It may be rigged to give more action but even this may be BS. Everyone says this never happens in a brick and mortar, BS. If you watched the 2005 WSOP Greg Raymer was killed off by a guy that caught a runner to make his flush. Making the call aganst Raymers all in was stupid, but he gambled and won. Another example, was watching Speed Poker from Australia, I saw the most outrageous three way pre flop. AA, KK, KK, All three went all in. Obviously the two with KK thought this was amazingly odd, they both obviously lost. And if you watch high stakes poker on The game show network, you would have noticed the bad beats Daniel Negranau has taken in the last month, not to meantion Helmuths lousy debut, where he lost 150,000 in three hands. Helmuths first was FH beaten by 8888. Those watching had to hear about that “bad beat” for the rest of the show. How is it a bad beat when your opponent calls raise after raise with the 888 showing?? Maybe somewhere along he should have realized his top FH was no good. But thats the key, deciding when your habd is no good. In the very same show I gotto watch Antonio Esfandiari lay down AA at the turn when he realised or was pretty certain he no longer had the nuts. And he was right. No one online ever seems to understand that part of the game. AA is just a pair with only a 54% chance of winning in a multiway pot. 46% of the time you had better fold it. And also remember you can play more hands before noon on monday than they play all week at the live casino. the pace is dizzying online. So your going to think your seeing more action.


  4. I’ve heard all those excuses and i dont buy them. And letting good hands go is not the issue here. And your odds are off on the AA’s preflop. I think u mean a pocket pair is 54% against any two over cards. AA’s are like 86% over any random hand, and worse if the other person has an A. Its like 80% against any other pocket pair.


  5. If I remember correctly PokerRoom has a public database of all their hands. If this is true, there is no way the game is rigged because it would be easy to detect and they would be shut down.

    rush’s comment does make me nervous, though.


  6. casino poker and slot machines are rigged but people still play them when they know that they are rigged they take in 70% more than they pay out i know this for a fact, its the same as online poker people are still going to play because they are hooked, it a drug like smoking or drinking,and sites know this so they know that they will always get players,and who is going to close them down the governments NO why because they will lose there big income ON THE TAX


  7. Rigged… possibly, but maybe for entertainment value?

    I have played at both tables and online and although I am realitvely new to the game, even I can see the difference in the strength of hands you receive at an online table.

    I would guess that the poker sites do use some sort of software that ‘improves?’ the game by giving better hands, thus making it more entertaining and more appealling – esp to newer players. Afterall they make there money from keeping people playing and they wouldnt get much return business if your average joe (95% of online players) gets screwed by the pro’s on every hand.

    If the games were ever proven to be rigged by party poker etc, then it would be a huge blow to the online poker industry. I cant really see those companies risking such a great(not to mention profitable) business by cheating.

    I would guess that the only people really cheating are some of the players, which is inevitable. Invent a game and people will find a way to cheat it!

    Human nature.


  8. Yep, it’s rigged (online poker in general). But does anyone of you who think otherwise after a long period of playing, know a site which is not YET rigged? As Paradise poker a LOONG time ago.

    If there were one, OK, we all would probably go to test it, but then there’ll be at least always sit&go etc. co-players to play with.

    ps. I’m also tested all but couple of poker networks and think they’re scam, like (a sidenote) herbalife network marketing and pay-for-surf etc. scam promoting “making money from the internet”. Bs stinks there strongly!


  9. all while reading through these. four players go all in… Pocket Aces, Pocket Queens, Pocket Jacks, 7-9. Turn 7, river 9… oddly enough, short stack was 7-9. next hand.. .two players go all in… Pocket Aces, pocket kings… pocket kings hit kk for a four of a kind win… and two hands later… bizzarly enough… pocket eights called all in against pocket eights… guess who won??? oddly enough, the guy with the eight of clubs caught a flush to win the pot (also the short stack). all this happened on partypoker while i was reading through the last few comments. and for anyone who wants to say this happens all the time at casinos… they’re full of crap, yet, as anyone knows by playing… it happens ALL the time in a matter of 30 min at every sitting on the net.


  10. Yea party poker sucks, I refuse to ever play there again. I’ve been playing full tilt for about 6 months now. I love it. Yes, I’ve had a few bad beats, but hey that’s poker. I’m not sure if online poker is rigged or not, but I have to say that I am greatly satisfied with full tilt.



  11. Ive just started playing Poker Online and don’t profes to be brilliant at it, but I am very consistent in the way I play.

    I started playing on Sun Poker and inititially did very well and won some money. Then suddenly couldn’t win at all, even though I was playing exactly the same way. I ended up losing most of my money and depositing more. Same story, started winning again only to suddenly lose it all.

    Tried Party poker. Guess what, did great at first before my winning hands just suddenly dried up, forcing me to deposit more money!

    I understand the argument from the experts that its just poor players looking for excuses, but I did not change my style of play at all and went from winning quite consistently to losing virtually every hand!

    I believe that it is rigged so that players get a taste for winning before losing everything and depositing more money, convinced that they will get back to winning again.


  12. notice the same thing win at the beginning then cant win.thought i might be on tilt so i started logging all my hands ,hand quality was terrible when i finally had marginal hand knew iwas in trouble and was ,semi-bluff never worked when they were called if i was 20 30 percent 2 hit never hit.when i did have big hand preflop and bet no callers or if i was called got run down.


  13. I’ve been reading the postings because I’m obviously having similar trouble to what’s being described here. I’ve been playing now for 2 years online and I’ve taken the game very seriously. I have been successful, but it’s insane how nutty the tables are. I’ve just come off of a run on Full Tilt where I’ve had KK on 4 tables in a row. I hadn’t seen a premium pocket pair in probably 20-25 sng’s. I’ve had 3 of those 4 KK’s busted, and not once by an Ace. I know that I’m using a small test sample as an example, but this is just one of literally hundreds and hundreds of scenarios that I’ve witnessed online that have happened to myself and countless others. In my opinion, Rush has the most realistic handle on the situation. So I’m asking for advice. What can we do about it? I come from the middle of Corn Country where there isn’t anything but small riverboat casinos who don’t have poker. Online seems to be my only option. I LOVE THIS GAME, but I live on too much of a budgeted income too keep wasting my time getting 4/1 or better odds shoved straight up my ass! I get tired of condescending idiots claiming that I’m just whining, when they know they’d be in trouble in a live game. Yes there are pro players who are successful in no limit formats playing loose, but they also get involved in hands that get them in trouble. Yes you will see bad beats on TV, but remember that TV is edited. Sure there’s bad beats in live games, but not at this astounding rate. Online poker seems to always reward loose play. I’d love to see some tournament statistics on bad beats from real tournaments vs. online. I’m sure that anyone who isn’t a believer now would believe then. Thanks for giving me a forum so that I didn’t have to go on tilt and lose more money.


  14. I have run into the same exact problem. Cashed out after my first month and everything was great. All of a sudden I’m getting busted by the most ridiculous hands. I don’t know if it’s rigged but the algorithm that are being used at most sites just don’t seem to keep up with real gameplay.


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