223 thoughts on “Online Poker Scam

  1. If everybody was ripped off, it would be obvious. Maybe only certain people are picked to be screwed, or could bea software flaw. Isn’t the Dominican Republic where they make all the Coke to smuggle into the US? Not sure I’d trust them to change a light bulb let alone deal cards.


  2. i think that online poker has way more bull shit than anything ever……ie. people catching a flush alot with 2 running cards needed


  3. Its totally 100% rigged for action. I just played at Interpoker, and both times I hit an ace high flush HEADS UP, I lost. I lost to a straight flush, HAHAHAHAHA, and I lost to a runner runner full house after flopping the ace high flush.

    Its ALL 100% rigged for action, lots of betting and maximum profit. I win all the time, but I ALWAYS LOSE IT to running bullshit cards that would NEVER EVER hit in a live game. Im a winning player online, and I still KNOW its rigged. Its a god damned travesty and it should be shut down as of yesterday.


  4. Yeah, I agree totally. there just is too many long shot wins to be real. i’ve played on 4-5 sites and they all are like that. I play live a few days a week and only see a couple hands a night like i see online in 1/2 an hour. How often do you see 2 people with AA at the same time??? or how many times can you see AA drawn out by 10-10??? My theory is the program is set to have some people win for whatever reason, either they spend more/lose more, or whatever, and i also think there are programed hands to make players commit to hands and get eliminated, or lose alot of money ie. flop a flush/ lose to a full house, etc.. I hear some people argue this but nothing i’ve heard sounds convincing. Alot of players i talk to feel there is something wrong also, but what are u gonna do?


  5. I agree with Dave and Steve.I used to play almost every night in live poker rooms.I used to make a second income doing that.But with my wife and I being sent to Honolulu Hi,for the military there is no card rooms or casinos here.So i started playing online poker.And I always thought to be funny how when your in and ring game it seems that they keeping money circulating among the players at the table.Almost so they can keep racking the money from the players.I don’t know maybe I’m wrong.but how is that that this guy in a tourney goes all in with pocket queens and that flop is QQ2 and another person called pre flop with KK and the turn was K and the river was a K.Not saying this doesn’t happend once in awhile. But strange crap like this seems to happend alot on internet poker.Well i could come with alot of reasons why i think online poker seems to rigged but it could take all day.My advice stay away from any online gambling.


  6. i heard from a source that some professional player

    have what they call a boiler room.4-6-8 different phone line creating different identification,

    so on a table where you seat 6-10 player. chances

    are your playing against the same person,

    suppose your sitting on table (6max) your 2 hole cards against 10 hole card.

    which your thing is to have better chance of hitting the nut? also that gives a big edge to your apponant.

    keep playing!!!and good luck


  7. Unfortunately in all forms of gambling there are people who are good at it,and people who are bad at it,poker is simply no different.

    You also get people who can afford to lose a few dollars,and people who simply cannot.

    To be honest I’m fed up listening to all this nonsense and until someone comes up with one mili ounce of proof then we should treat it as the garbage that it most definately is.

    The point that I feel confirms this is that all the worlds’ top players now play online and do you honestly believe they would do this if they had even the slightest suspicion it was rigged?

    The answer is no as they haven’t got time to moan as they are too busy filling up their’ bank accounts by beating people who are still stupid enough to be crying ”it’s rigged”!!


    • The problem with coming up with proof that online poker is rigged would be the same as coming up with proof that the U.S. government is scamming U.S. citizens or that J.F.K.’s assassination wasn’t planned by government officials; you can’t 100% prove anything in life that you can’t investigate. I’ve played thousands of live hands and thousands of online hands, I believe 99% that online poker is rigged. As for your comment about Pros playing online: do you really think the Pros make their money online – hell no, they make their money from endorsing the website and playing live poker, you only see the Pros playing on their endorsed site when they are required to or when they’re playing a satellite for major tournament buy-in. I agree with Steve; keep playing – you’ll come around.


    • yes the big boys do play online but with sponsors money and there are a few what donate all winnings to charity so whos gonna win us or them


    • To the incredible idiot (or maybe pokersite employee) who claimed those sites cannot be rigged because all kinds of real life pokerstars use the sites too….you sir, are a complete and total dumbass. Has it ever occured to you that these pokerstars probably receive money to play on said sites, rigged or not? Stop being naïve and ignorant.


    • Listen here is ya proof ask party poker what they use for there algarithim and they wil reply with sha1 then check it out they all use it under the site who inveated algorithims they have stated clearly that sha1 is flawed mathmatically, and yet they continue to use it mmmmmmmmmmm wonder y that is if its ot in there favour?


  8. I have played on all the major sites and I’m pretty sure they’re rigged. I’m not an amateur and have played hold em for a few years now. At sites like interpoker, full tilt, bodog,cd poker, players always bet with crappy hands and get lucky everytime with big pots. I can’t even tell you how many times I have lost alot of money with pocket aa,kk to a player who hits a flush or straight on the river. I have watched alot of poker on tv and in person and have never seen people win with such crap hands or even called or played with them on big raises. Also they suck you in with their bs bonuses where you have to play alot of raked hands and sites like fair poker and cd poker rip you off like crazy for the ridiculous rakes they get. I’m sure its a scam which is why all the sites are overseas and the credit cards always get declined so they use sites like neteller,firepay etc to charge big fees to rip people off.


  9. The rigged argument to me is yes and no. NO it isnt personally rigged, but yes there are way to many action hands to be totally legit. It seems common for the action hands that people keep relaying : runner runner flush cards, 4 people with pocker pairs same deal, AA vs KK very common, etc; things you rarely see in a B&M or home game. Ive recently quit online poker; not because of the results but its way too convenient and habit forming. I am a consistent winner in live poker and not as good online, so thats another reason. You have to adjust too much online to play more loosely, and my game suffers in real live poker. But for people to be so against the rigged theory, too many people say the same thing so we arent just pulling this from thin air. We all cant be wrong.


  10. Come on people!! Get real!! I’ve been playing hold em’ for a long time, but am pretty new to on-line. I have done very well on-line, as I did at a live table as well. Point is, you are always going to have amateurs playing at a table that are only card chasers based only on luck. Will a flop give trips to someone that was holding a 2-5 offsuit? hell yeah!! Would a good to even average poker player have paid to see the flop? Probably not. Point I’m trying to make, is if you play your own game, stick with cards you feel are good, and know when to muck, you will be better off. It’s not rigged people. If you’re mad about losing money, maybe you didn’t have it to lose in the first place, and you should play on the play money tables for awhile longer.


  11. Of course this shit is rigged… howcome every time I flop the best hand and move all in on th flop, when I do get called by some loser with nothing but an overcard, sometimes 2 or some bs draw will miraculously outdraw me ,about 75% of the time with only 2 cards 2 come many times hitting runner runner BS. Cuz its rigged!


  12. RIGGED




  13. I have played at most the major sites. Their is definitely more action hands than normal. One game I played for 20 minutes, and not once did I get any card lower than 10….I played every hand of the approximately 15-20 hands….AA, KK, AK,tt,JJ, AJ, and the list goes on…I would hit the flush, or straight, and they would hit the full house…not just once, every time….the opponents at the table were commenting on how “unlucky” I was. It was really an eye opening experience.

    Keep that bankroll alive, play live.


  14. Hi, just had a look at your comments i always believed that the site couldnt be rigged, however stopped playing at 2 sites cause i was getting very unlucky (flop A high Spade Flush i go all in with 32$ other player calls with Ah 3D and calls beats me with AAAA) anyway found a site which was excellent been playing there a (year everest.com) they had a revamp last week and if you cant win a hand with flushes, str8s and full houses it seems very strange nearly (at leats 8 of 10) every hand at the table is a flush, str8 full house or four of a kind.

    after 24hrs of the website upgrade poeple started saying the site was rigged and i just said they where sore losers but as the weeks progressed i saw it for myself the plays where just unreal, on the other hand i might of just had a full week of very bad luck but i wont be putting any more money at everst to find out


  15. hi read all the statements and im not sure whats going on with the online poker im pretty good most of the time seems like i could only win what i would put in then get great hands but then lose with time after time then deposit and win but then lose never realy able to pull out the winnings and apply them to any thing but depositing again what i do know is if one player has a good hand another will to and hit only to commit there chips and kiss them good bye cant really say i have any proof to say its riged but what i can say when i wacth a 1000 dollar pot exchange hands because one player had aa and other had kk and they both hit on the flop with no flush draw or anything both would have to think best hand no way they could have pockets that did it for me im going to trusted casinos for now on and only sticking to freerolls online cant hurt me that way just them if they really allow it i do believe online gaming does make u a better player though playing hand that is set to make u lose ur money and some how u get out of it well tune u in a non stacked game to really dominate i think we will never know if it is rigged or not but we do know the online buisness is making them millions not me and im tired of making someone else rich ty hoped this helped


  16. I’m uncertain as to whether or not I would definitively say online rooms are rigged; although I’ve seen very suspicious hands unfold online compared to live games.

    As for Tony’s comment about how he knows a pro who infiltrates a table with multiple seats…I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE BECAUSE I’VE SEEN IT!!!

    My line of work takes me to many fraternity houses around the Los Angeles area and in more than one house these frat guys have elaborate setups in a single room where they hold 8 or 9 OF TEN SEATS at one online table!! Multiple monitors are set up on one wall, flatscreens blanketing the wall, and at one house there’s actually a guy keeping tally of the days wins on a chalkboard off to the side…These guys are pulling in several thousand a day…the dollar amount on the board I saw that day was $13,445.

    Through digging a little deeper I found out that these guys were having more trouble cashing out from the site than they were at winning the money. It just so happens that they were playing on the same site I USED to play on, Pokerstars. And anyone who’s ever cashed out on Pokerstars knows that if you cash out for, let’s say $800, they send you these rediculous increments of $25, then $50, then another $50 and another until they reach the $800 payout amount.

    So, BEWARE! The apparent “cards being dealt” scam may be true…But the REAL SCAM is that you’re potentially playing against a single room full of guys who know eachother’s cards and are really there to take you down…and they will!

    Think about it…this scenario is much more prevalent than you think. It’s happening RIGHT NOW on many many tables around the internet.


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